"Wehrmachtswerk" translated as "Movement for Armed Forces ?"and known for its robustness. Direct translation of Wehrmacht is "the armed forces of Germany", used between 1921-1945. "Wehr" means defence and "macht" means might. The story goes back in 1930's when the German government made an international call for tender to equip the Wehrmacht and to be used by all 3 main sections : Heer, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine (Army, Air Force and Navy). The task was to develop the best possible movement, it must be robust, large diameter, could last for several years and low maintenance. They wanted a large diameter so that the balance and gears could be quite big and therefore more durable. The movement should hold the time precisely and dependably. A lot of tests was made and in 1932, the only caliber that was accepted was AS 1130 (the above watch comes with Unitas 6326)
It was still used back in the 1960's where it was part of marketing attraction created by watch manufacturers to sell their watches. It can be said as "military spec" to attract customers. For sale RM 370, call or SMS for best offer.
Below are calibers that are associated with AS 1130, all are manual wind 13".
Alpina 652
AS 1560
AS 1561
AS 1587
AS 1589
AS 1594
AS 1595
AS 1604
AS 1604N
AS 1606
AS 1609
AS 1616
AS 1617
AS 1618
AS 1623
AS 1631
AS 1637
AS 1637N
AS 1642
AS 1648
AS 1694
AS 1697
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